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The Reactor Blew Up during the Nyonoksa Skyfall Missile Test

On from Submarine Matters' Claim Russia's Nuclear Cruise Missile 9M730 Skyfall is "SUBSONIC" of August 18, 2019 on the Skyfall nuclear-powered cruise missile test explosion Ryan Pickrell for Business Insider Australia has written an interesting August 27, 2019 article, titled: 

"Russia’s state weather agency said on Monday [August 26, 2019] that a cloud of radioactive gases that swept across a Russian town earlier this month was produced by fast-decaying radioactive isotopes released by an explosion at the Nyonoksa testing range.

     Though Russia’s explanations for what occurred have varied, the blast has been tied to a failed missile test.

     A Norwegian nuclear expert told The Barents Observer that these isotopes – of strontium, barium, and lanthanum – were caused by a “nuclear chain reaction,” saying it was evidence that it “was a nuclear reactor that exploded.” 

...A mysterious explosion at a Russian weapons testing site earlier this month released various radioactive isotopes, creating a cloud of radioactive gases that swept across a nearby town, the country’s state weather agency said Monday, and experts said the mixture removes all doubt about what blew up.

The deadly August 8 [2019] blast at the Nyonoksa military weapons testing range released a handful of rapidly decaying radioactive isotopes – strontium-91, barium-139, barium-140, and lanthanum-140 – which have half-lives ranging from 83 minutes to 12.8 days, the Roshydromet national weather and environmental monitoring agency said in a statement.

...Alexander Uvarov, the editor of the independent news site AtomInfo.ru, told the news agency RIA Novosti that these isotopes were products of nuclear fission involving uranium, Agence France-Presse reported Monday. This collection of radioisotopes could be released by a reaction involving uranium-235.

...In the aftermath of the explosion, Russia’s explanation of the accident and its risks varied, several nuclear monitoring stations in Russia mysteriously went offline, doctors treating the wounded said that they were forced to sign nondisclosure agreements and that hospital records were destroyed, and one doctor was found to have a radioactive isotope in his muscle tissue. Russia has insisted that the cesium-137 detected was the result of something the doctor ate..."


But there is a new theory, pointing to a totally different reason for the Nyonoksa explosion, to be examinined tomorrow.


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