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Argentina Might Buy 2 Ula Class Submarines from Norway

On January 9, 2020 at 3:14 AM Nickyasked  "Hey Pete. What's your take on this. Looks like Argentina is interested in buying the Ula class SSK from Norway. [See] "Argentina: Estudian la compra de dos submarinos noruegos clase 'Ula'"

Pete's Response

Thanks Nicky for https://www.elsnorkel.com/2020/01/argentina-estudian-la-compra-de-dos-submarinos-noruegos-clase-ula.html about Argentina, Germany and Norway studying the possible Argentine purchase of two 1,000 ton Norwegian Ula class short range submarines.

One problem is the Ulas have been active for 30 years, making them quite old - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ula-class_submarine#Vessel_list . After the sinking of the very old ARA San Juan in 2017 many in the Argentine politico-military complex and the public may not be enthusiastic about the Argentine Navy buying subs that are already old - therefore more potentially accident prone.

Another problem is Norway's alliance relations with fellow NATO members, Britain and the US. Britain is in a tense dispute with Argentina over the Falklands/Malvinas islands https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falkland_Islands_sovereignty_dispute .

The British (and US) may pressure Norway not to export Ula submarines to Argentina. The Falklands/Malvinas islands dispute, of course, resulted in an actual war between Argentina and Britain in 1982 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falklands_War . This war put US - Latin America relations under pressure because the US was forced to militarily choose to back Britain in intelligence and supply of some high tech equipment terms (eg. more modern 
Sidewinder missiles used by Britain Harrier carrier jets (see paragraphs 10 to 12))..

The British saw the Argentine submarine force as very threatening in 1982 and at other times. While the Argentinians found the British submarine force to be deadly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falklands_War#Sinking_of_ARA_General_Belgrano .

On the other hand the British may feel better about Argentina getting very old, more easily detectable, Ula submarines, rather than new, more potent, submarines. Also Norway and other Ula component suppliers and upgraders might be expected to leak vital Ula characteristics and vulnerabilities to Britain...


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