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India's Nirbhay Cruise Missile Second Test


A Nirbhay cruise missile prior to testing.

A test of the Nirbhay cruise missile - most probably the October 17, 2014 test. 

Ankit Panda for The Diplomat has written an interesting article of October 18, 2014 on the Nirbhay cruise missile's second test (on October 17, 2014). This follows the first test on March 12, 2013. Being a relatively small missile the Nirbhay (Sanskrit for "fearless") can potentially be launched by any means including land-mobile launchers, fighter-bombers or bombers, surface ship or (nuclear or  conventionally propelled) submarines.

The Nirbhay warhead may be conventional high explosive, nuclear or chemical (biological is possible but extremely unlikely). The inherent vulnerability of this subsonic cruise missile to anti-aircraft or anti-missile defences makes it less suitable as a nuclear delivery vehicle. Also the dual-use or triple-use ambiguity makes it inadvisable to fire a Nirbhay at a nuclear armed country - unless it is totally mutually understood that it is only carrying a conventional warhead. The Nirbhay's estimated range of 1,500 km neverthless would permit any part of Pakistan to be hit from Indian territory or perhaps from the Arabian Sea. If fired by submarine the Nirbhay 0.52m diameter makes it deliverable from a submarine's standard 0.533m torpedo tubes or several Nirbhay's from each of a submarine's vertical launch tubes (if fitted).

The article string is http://thediplomat.com/2014/10/meet-indias-new-nuclear-cruise-missile/ :

"Meet India's New Nuclear Cruise Missile

What sets Nirbhay apart from other missile technologies in use or being tested by India is its high degree of maneuverability, rendering it a particularly potent nuclear device delivery vehicle. This is typical of cruise missiles (a shining example of which would be the United States’ Tomahawk), but not of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) such as India’s Agni series of missiles. The Agni, now on its fifth iteration  still remains India’s primary nuclear delivery vehicle. The Nirbhay is additionally capable of low altitude flight and radar evasive techniques that make detection and interception much more difficult. The effective range of the missile is rated at “over 700 km,” placing regional rivals Pakistan and China well within striking distance. The missile also has the advantage of being highly mobile on the ground — it is capable of being launched from a mobile launcher.
The Nirbhay was tested in the Indian state of Orissa over a 1,000 km range. ”The missile was test-fired from a mobile launcher positioned at launch pad 3 of the Integrated Test Range at about 10.03 hours” on Friday, an official told the Times of India. The Nirbhay was initially tested in early 2013, but that test was deemed a failure. According to officials that spoke to the Times of India, the first test “had to be terminated mid-way when deviations were observed from its intended course.”
The Nirbhay comes at a time when India is looking to build a nuclear triad. Earlier this year, it tested a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) known as the K-4. Additionally, the Nirbhay represents India’s continued development of indigenous defense technologies. Last year, the INS Arihant, India’s first home-built nuclear submarine, saw its reactor go critical and began sea trials. Both the Arihant and the Agni-V ICBM are set to enter service in 2015."

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