Well if Presidents Zelensky, Putin and Biden pleaded with me (as is their want) to draw up a Peace Plan, I thought you guys should see the Draft first before I present it to these three needy presidents. The Draft Plan plan is:
1 - Russian forces withdraw from mainland (including eastern) Ukraine to the international border as it was in 2013 (ie. before the 2014 (onwards) Russo-Ukrainian War).
2 - Ukraine should be invited to join the EU and NATO, and
Before you say “Putin won’t accept this!”
The following is the kicker:
3 - Ukraine cedes Crimea to Russia.
Russia really values its Sevastopol, Crimea, Naval Base and would battle for years to keep it. Both sides need to give a bit otherwise the war will continue for years. The whole world is suffering from this war.
Next Step
If there is Submarine Matters reader agreement or a slightly alteration of 1, 2 and 3 I’ll pass it on to the three needy presidents, who will be so grateful for our work.