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Truck Attack in Nice - French Carrier Redeployment Announcement as a Trigger


Did thoughts of French carrier Charles de Gaulle's (above) pending airstrikes on IS targets lead to this (below) in the mind of an IS inspired truck driver in the Nice attack?

There appears to be a strong link between French President Hollande, on July 13, 2016 (French time),  announcing France's only aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle would again be deployed against IS in the Middle East.


the (probably IS inspired terrorist) driven truck attack in Nice the next day (July 14, 2016 French time). The driver of the Nice truck may have been more conscious than most of the military importance of the Charles de Gaulle as that ship is based in Toulon only 149 km down the road from Nice.


France overtly considers its aircraft carrier, Charles de Gaulle, is a counter-terrorism weapon against IS in the Middle East. The Charles de Gaulle launches airstrikes against Islamic State (in Iraq and Syria) targets.

Usually the carrier redeployment with airstrikes are announced in response to IS terrorism on French soil. In this July 14, 2016 truck attack the carrier redeployment was announced the day before (on July 13, 2016).

Event 1 - After the Charlie Hebdo attacks January 2015 attacks Hollande announced a Charles de Gaulle redeployment to the Middle East for airstrikes against IS.

Event 2 - After the November 2015 attacks in Paris Hollande again announced Charles de Gaulle would again redeploy against IS in the Middle East.

Event 3 - I noticed that on July 13, 2016 (France time) French President Hollande announced that Charles de Gaulle would once more be deployed against IS.
On July 13, 2016 the Associated Press (AP) 7:22 PM EDT reportedPARIS (AP) -- President Francois Hollande has announced that France will redeploy the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier this fall to step up the fight against the Islamic State group and suggested an increase in ground troops for training and support to take back Mosul, in northern Iraq. Hollande...said "we must strike and destroy those who aggressed us here" in two sets of attacks last year...."

If the driver also linked Charles de Gaulle's activity with an attack on his Islamic State  "homeland" he may have followed IS's general worlwide social media instructions to drive into crowds with an event or time sensitive urge to drive a whole truck into crowds.  

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